How UK business can expand to China – Table of Contents
- China market entry strategy
- What products can I sell to china?
- How to sell in China?
- Where can UK Exporters Sell in China?
- China Market Entry Consulting
- Over to you
China market entry strategy for UK Businesses
China offers UK companies of all sizes massive sales opportunities. However, it is vital that UK firms of all sizes properly design an entry strategy for China. This strategy needs to address three core areas:
- The types of goods does your company intend to sell to China?
- What sales channels does your company expect to use to develop sales in China?
- Where in China does your company want to target its goods?
Below I will answer some basic questions that many companies ask, and hopefully, you might be interested enough to contact me for a follow-up conversation by the end.
What products can I sell to china?
China now has more middle-class consumers than the entire population of the European Union and the United Kingdom. That’s a lot people who have money to spend on products to improve their lifestyle.
The Chinese consumer is always looking for products from UK businesses, as the Chinese see them as reputable and high-quality products.
The main products which your company should consider selling to China are:
- Alcoholic Beverages
- Baby Accessories & Maternity Ware
- Baby Food
- Beauty Accessories
- Breastfeeding Products
- Fashion Clothing
- Fresh Food
- Jewellery
- Juices
- Makeup & Skin Care
- Natural Cleaning Products
- Packaged Healthy Foods
- Seafood
- Shoes
- Sports Goods
- Trendy Snacks
My company TCI China offers Market Research Services in China. If you are interested, please visit TCI’s China Market Research page.
How to sell (expand) in China for – UK Businesses
UK business of all sizes with all types of budgets can develop sales in China. I have helped firms that are two employee operations and firms with 5,000 employee operations.
The critical thing is to be smart and stay focused on the target customer profile.
There are four channels which you should consider.
- List on China Ecommerce Platforms
- Use Sales Agents in China
- Exhibit at Trade Shows in China
- Find out details of the importers in China
Ecommerce can be the most comfortable and cheapest way to develop sales in China. To learn more, please visit TCIs China Ecommerce page to find out what we offer.
Where can UK exporters sell in china?
It all depends on the products you are looking to sell to China and the channels you are looking to use to develop sales in China.
The east of China is the wealthiest part, yet the south of China has been exposed to more foreign products for a lot longer than the North of China.
A great example of this is Whisky. It is trendy in South China and Shanghai, whereas North China’s market has not yet developed.
Another example is Oysters. All eastern cities can be China consumers; however, the market is in early-stage development in inland China. Incidentally, South China Cities prefer large-sized oysters, whereas Northern Cities like smaller sizes.
How UK business can expand to China – China Market Entry Consulting
How UK business can expand to china – Many firms have contacted me, having lost thousands of pounds on the wrong strategy and ask for my assistance to develop the right approach. I always commence building a commercial strategy for China with research.
- Research the types of goods which you want to sell to China.
- Review and appraise potential sales channels in China.
- Determine what cities are suitable for launch and growth in China
TCI China has a range of services that will help your firm to export its goods to China. Please visit TCIs Selling to China Consulting page to see all our services
How UK business can expand to China – Over to you…
If you’re
- tired of struggling to develop sales into China or seeking to sell into China.
- worried you’re China Exports Sales strategy is not working for China.
- experiencing trading problems and need some advice.
please contact me through any of the options below and I’ll be right back to help you work out a solution. No pressure, no obligation to use my services.
I’m here to help you decide how to make the most out of the potential of China your business.
Aidan Conaty –
Mobile- Messenger (Click to Connect)
Or at the following numbers:
(Europe/ Rest of the World) +353 1 885 3919
(UK) +44.020.3287.2990
(North America) +1.518.290.6604
Or email me Aidan Conaty | think China, think TCI